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Just a Teen Who's Free...

I got pretty lucky when I moved out of my parent's house at just 16. I had a really great friend who had let me stay with her. The stipulation was, & I quote; "As long as you take your ass to school, you don't have to pay rent." I did have to pay cable & BGE though, it was NOT a free ride, I wasn't looking for one any way. I wanted that independence  which meant financially as well, & I was all for it. Honestly, it wasn't too much different than what I was already doing when I was home. Starting in just the 8th grade, I bought all my school clothes, school supplies, & whatever else I needed. Instead of partying having fun on the weekends like other teenagers my age were doing, I baby sat my little cousins instead. I did that so I could save up money to afford everything I needed & wanted. Even though I still lived at home & had parents who were supposed to buy those things for me. I wanted to get whatever I wanted & not have to worry about hearing my parents say that it was stupid, I didn't need it, or that it was too expensive.

So here I am, 16, living on my own, & I absolutely loved it! I didn't have a parent to answer to. If I wanted to go stay the night with my boyfriend or just at one of my guy friend's I could, I didn't have to pretend that I was staying with a friend who was a female anymore. (Even tho I had already perfected that method haha) I could smoke weed if I wanted to, & more importantly, without having to worry about getting into trouble, & I could drink if I wanted. I went to school, I went to work, & I made sure my bills were  paid. After all of that, I could & was finally free to do whatever I wanted  & I was loving every second of it. 

Most teenagers who wind up on their own end up doing one or two things. Either they say fuck school & just drop out all together or they get addicted to drugs & then drop outta school too. I was the exception; I didn't drop out, didn't get an addiction, & I was responsible. I still partied & had fun like a normal teen but all while still doing what needed to be done. Eventually though, (I'm not afriad to admit it.) I missed my parents & MY home. I did wind up going back, but only for a few short months because I had met Danny. 

Danny was my boyfriend & is now my oldest son's father. Right as graduation was coming up my mother had told me that I either needed to fully move in with him or I was going to have to start paying rent. How fucked up was that tho?! Each time my brother moved out & then back in he NEVER had to pay rent, but yet I was expected to?!? So, I did what any 18 year old female about to graduate high school would do, I officially moved in with my boyfriend. If only I knew then what I know now, I'd tell my 18 year old self STAY AWAY FROM HIM! But then again, I'm not sure because then I wouldn't have my Marley.

Here's something to think about...

If you could tell your teenage self ANYTHING what would it be & why? Leave me your answer in a comment or thru the live chat, I wanna read what you would change, I wanna hear your voices instead of jus mine!

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